Charging Toward Forest Fires

“If you are in Christ, your scars won't have the last word over your life; His scars will._ -- Sarah WaltonPrecious, merciful Savior – you have healed the stripes that cover every inch of my body. Aching and crying, when I call out to you, you hear me. You lift my face, bowed in complete surrender, and breathe your life altering words over me.

You boldly speak to me: I am here, child, you say. I have always been here. Give it to me – all the worries and ailments that weigh you down. Place them in my hands that were pierced for you. You are my treasure, created for a mighty purpose. I will heal you and empower you.

Your words wash over me like a monsoon of warm water. I can feel your protection, love and devotion. My lips are met with the beautiful kiss of your might. They are lined with the wisdom written in red.

I accept the raw preparation. You are equipping your child for the battle ahead.

Smoke lines the horizon and you have called your special warriors to charge toward the forest fires in the distance. May I strap up my boots, blow my shofar of promise and tread on the hot coals shouting your name. When we cling to your faith, you claim the victory every time.

“And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the LORD hath given you the city.” – Joshua 6:16

You are worthy of all praise.

You are my healer. You are my comfort. You are my provider. You are my vision, God. You tell me to crush fear and trample the lies of the darkness.

Prepare me, God, for your service. Use this earthen vessel is the cry of my heart! Open my eyes that I may see your wonderful commission in the sky.

Blessed be the Lord God!

The Lord Will Fullfill His Promises To Her

_Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!_ - Luke 1_45Dear gentle woman, full of hopes and pretty dreams. Lift your head up high, feel the weight of that crown on your full head of glorious locks. Smile into the sunlight and lap up those precious promises engraved by the hands of God.

“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” – Luke 1:45

Why is your soul forlorn dear one? Can’t you feel the fire within your soul – that powerful spirit that strengthens you and sustains you?

Do not fear. The angels of old have repeated this phrase time and time again to the followers of Christ. Take those words to heart and digest them.

With God you are mighty, apart from him you are a simple shell of a being. Breathe precious daughter of the King. Inhale the fragrance of his pledges to you. Trust in this man of his word.

“And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” – Matthew 28:20

You are not forsaken. You are not forgotten. You are not abandoned. In fact, you are right where the Savior wants you – in the palm of his stable hand.

Can you feel his presence – that peace that descends on your spirit? He cares for you with an unmatchable love. He longs for your joy to be complete in him. When you hope wholeheartedly in him, you will not be disappointed.

“… those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” – Isaiah 49:23

Lay yourself aside sweet child. Shed that skin of old and lather yourself with the soft newness of God’s promises and covenant – made to you.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

The LORD will fulfill his promises, and in Christ – your storehouses will overflow. Trust, seek and knock – and he will open that sturdy door and welcome you into his glorious presence beaming with affection.

The Giver + Sunrise Benefactor

flower crown.jpgToday I hope you feel blessed, just really thankful –all the way from the crown of your head to your wiggling toes! May you feel God’s bountiful promises that are new every single morning wash over your face and countenance.

It’s inevitable; the world will burden you down with weighty problems and troubling information. You will see evil claim happiness and joy from those you love. You will experience the grip of darkness from time to time. But, do not lose heart; and do not for a second give into the darkness.

Claim the blood of your Maker.

His life, here on earth, was not sacrificed in vain. For he purchased my soul and yours with his crimson bloodshed.

Rejoice in your Giver.

He makes the sun shine each morning and wraps you in the breeze of his never-ending comfort. The flowers open and bloom for our Sunrise Benefactor. The LORD is the gardener of our lives in this weed ridden land.

Look up – and smile, even in the face of haunting iniquity.

Your God did the same – he overcame the grave and desires for you to mirror his glow to the world that has forgotten his love.

Touch his nail scarred hands. Realize the gravity of that adoration for you – your soul. Squash fear and put on faith. Your armor is ready, all it takes is the willingness to strap it on.

“Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” – John 14:27

Dear One, remember in this world you will have trouble – but our God has overcome the world. It may be tough to feel the overpowering strength of your Creator in this venture in your life. However, he is there – holding on to you, breathing in your lungs and providing precious sight to your weary eyes.

Light breaks darkness.

Through a cracked door – a light stream will illuminate an unrecognizable room. May we always seek his light and may our souls well up in thanksgiving for we are light cages on a parched and obscure earth.