When I Can’t Smell The Flowers

You make all things beautiful and good. When I cannot smell the fragrance of the flowers, you remind me of the spring just beyond my grasp.

It hangs over my head, and I have not looked up to see the beauty just above my head. My mind gets in the way – when you have called me to open my heart and lean on your wisdom.

You call out to me:

Dear Child – the fauna is present in my promises. You will smell the sweet perfume of my perfection, when you concentrate on my goodness. Absorb the living water that sits by your bedside at night unopened – the words written in red. Drink from my water, and you will never be thirsty. Have I not told you things – it is written.

Often times we look for the beauty and call out to God and say – haven’t you promised the beauty in the broken?

However, we need to seek out the beautiful.

Faith isn’t just obtained. It’s requires trust in the unseen. We must trust that the seed planted in fertile soil will sprout forth and bloom in splendor.

May we smell the fragrance of God’s goodness – even when we can’t see the beauty of the rose pedals and they are not visible to our naked eyes.

We must trust that those roots will make way in due time to a well nurtured plant that displays the miraculous hand of our Creator God.

Keep trusting sweet children – God has yet to fail his children. Solider on and take your Maker at his word.

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