The Working Woman’s 20 Minute Workouts


I try and do a yoga video in the morning – it’s just 20 minutes. This is one of my favorites, here.

It’s 5:30am and your alarm clock hums – you press the snooze button trying to get at least 30 more minutes of shut eye. It’s 7pm and you get home exhausted. Time to pour yourself a glass of wine and watch House Hunters on HGTV – you deserve to unwind.

You complain that you never get a chance to work out. You are working woman – and office hours wreak havoc on this routine. But, really are you cheating yourself out of a simple 20 minute workout in the morning or a night?

I believe you can do it. You can fit that simple routine in a tight schedule. It takes disciple and willpower. However, 20 minutes every day can add up and keep your body tone and lean for those pencil skirts, little black dresses and heels.

Make it priority to hit the gym before or after work – just 20 minutes, seriously. Do the bike.

Take a 20 minute walk with your dog – he has to go out anyway. Just extend the walk or pop in a 20 minute yoga video (you will work up a morning sweat and feel better all day long!)

Below are a few suggestions for the ‘Working Woman’s Workout Schedule’ – (websites, routines that I have found) you can take it or leave it.

For the Yoga Lovers: Do this simple 20 minute routine in the morning or at night. It’s on YouTube. It’s free. There is no excuse here. This workout is a Vinyassa flow routine that is designed to get your heart pumping, and it really does. You will feel strong, less stressed and healthy after doing this routine. I guarantee it.

For the Challenge Junkie: Try an online challenge. One of my co-workers shared this one with me. It’s called the 30 Day Squat Challenge. Push yourself to complete a goal like this. Make a chart. Cross off each day – for a month. It takes no time in the morning or night. It builds dedication. Do it.

For the Runners: Don’t think I can say this more clearly – go for a 20 minute jog or treadmill run. Don’t feel like you need to do more. If 20 minutes is all you have, it’s all you have. Believe me, it is better than nothing. has a great 20 minute treadmill workout.

For the Cardio Circuit Addicts: I found this awesome ‘Indoor Cardio Crusher Workout’ that you can do in your apartment. Set your iphone to 20 minutes – and do this routine until time is up. You’ll feel it.

For the Delightful Dancers: This is a pretty basic workout. It is free – on YouTube once again. Sometimes you just need to have fun. This is a fun dance workout routine. Good for your heart and wellbeing! DANCE off the stress!

Bunny Yoga and Breathing

ImageWell, not really bunnies, but bunny drawings. Ran across this cute little illustrated morning yoga routine sequence and had to try the sequence. Loved it.

This is a great way to start any morning. I would recommend trying this cute sequence below – repeat it about 6 times. You will be sure to feel this in your legs and arms.

Also this is a perfect thing to do before shuffling off to work. I know how hard it is to fit in that morning workout. Sometimes it’s impossible.

However, this yoga sequence will take you about 10 -15 minutes in the morning (depending on how long you hold each pose.) And it will open your lungs and start your breathing pattern for the day off on a good note.

So often – we hold our breath in stressful situations (my problem!). Doing yoga as a daily workout, even if it is just 10 minutes, helps that stress in your chest and reminds you to fill up your lungs with good, clean, deep air.

Breathing can aid in numerous things – it detoxifies, releases tension, relaxes the mind and brings clarity, relieves emotional problems, massages your organs, strengthens the immune systems and much more.