Avocado Chicken Soup {Gluten Free}

chicken avaocado soupI don’t care if it’s spring – soup is always good and wholesome regardless the weather situation outside. This dish was filling and bowl licking good. You may just have to enjoy two bowls of this gluten free soup goodness (because I sure did!).

The Greek yogurt and avocado really make the soup pop. They also added creaminess without the cheese. This soup is totally diet friendly. Absent of noodles, rice or carbie starches – it will leave you feeling full, but not stuffed and heavy.

You will need: 1 quart gluten free chicken broth, ¼ cup almond milk, 3 small baked and seasoned chicken breasts, 1 tbsp. cumin, 1 tbsp. chili powder, 1 tbsp. onion powder, 1 tbsp. garlic powder, 1 can of diced tomatoes, 1 tbsp. dried onions (or real if you have them handy), 2 tbsp. Greek yogurt and a pinch of salt and pepper. table

For soups, I feel like it’s all about the spices – so in this dish, you will find a medley of rich, yummy spices. First, pour your broth into a pot on the stove and let that simmer. Add in the almond milk for creaminess and stir.

Next, chop up your seasoned chicken (seasoned and baked before) and dump into the hot pot. Stir and slowly add in the spices: cumin, chili powder, onion powder, garlic powder and dried and/or real onions.

Dump in the lovely canned tomatoes and stir up. Lastly, add in your Greek yogurt and salt and pepper. Let all the flavors sit for a while on the stovetop.

Serve with avocados and cheese on top, if you wish.

Cocoa Greek Yogurt {Gluten Free, Low Calorie}

ImageThe App ‘Lose It’ is a lifesaver. Seriously. I have been using this app on my phone for the past week and it really helps me track my calorie intake.

Since, I am trying to eat within a set number limit, I have been experimenting with food in a different way. Taking those pesky calories into consideration. Strictly. Pain – but it’s a science.

This sweet little hunger saver gives you a hint of chocolate – for those of you who have a sweet tooth. The fresh strawberries provide a sweet, tart taste as well.

You will need: 1/2 cup 0% fat Greek yogurt (70 calories), 1 tbsp. cocoa powder (30 calories) and 3 big chopped up strawberries (13 calories). 

All you have to do is mix in the cocoa powder into the yogurt. It may take a little more time than you think because the powder is chalky and takes time to gel. I also mixed in the berries – so the chocolate goodness covered them. Left one on top for aesthetics.

You can eat this for a little snack or a yummy dessert after dinner. All for 113 calories. Remember, you can always add honey or a pinch of sugar if this is too bitter for your taste.

Coconut Greek Yogurt Fruit Bowl


Click on the image above to enlarge the yummy bowl of fruit!

Don’t’ want to make you jealous; but, this breakfast was killer this morning. I love Greek yogurt in the morning – but sometimes it gets a little dull and boring. (It’s a common thing with eating healthy!) But, it does not have to be that way. Started experimenting in my kitchen and whipped up this creamy scrumptious morning fruit bowl.

Take out a mixing bowl and get to work! You will need: 1 cup Greek yogurt (I used this 100 calorie one!), 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 tbsp. chia seeds and a handful of coconut shreds. Easy as pumpkin pie!

Pour the yogurt in a mixing bowl. Cut up the apple and banana and place all these fruit pieces in with the yogurt. Sprinkle in the chia seeds and coconut shavings – and mix it all up. I then poured the fruity mixture into a pretty little bowl and sprinkled additional chia seeds on the top (just because these fill you up – and are a great aid in dieting).

Enjoy. Eat slowly and savor every spoonful.

You will make this again – for sure. By the way – double score – this is *gluten free.*