Little Girl, I Say To You, Arise!

-Little girl, I say to you, arise-Awake my soul. My heart palpitates with fire-like jolts. Smells around me only intensify with every warm tremble in my chest. Sensing the robust dark coffee in the air, I call out to the heavens in the dawn – ‘Deepen my desire, LORD. Make my soul quake with an untamed blaze!”

I hold out a banner of praise. Fill my mouth and my longings with your power. You are my anthem. May my feet seek to follow the wake of your glorious splendor. Ignite my soul. Open these sleepy eyes – fixated on earthly plunder and worldly gain.

May I wake with one goal in mind – to shine your precious love. Let your spirit pervade my senses. May I truly seek the realm of godliness – to be clothed in a purple robe sprinkled in the dust of your steps. For this is power – this is might. This is strength.

Your holiness shakes me to the core. You say to me ‘little girl, arise.’ You wake me from my eternal sleep and breathe breath once again into my body of bones.

He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, arise!”). – Mark 5:41

How I am this privileged to trust and follow such a magnificent King? I want to sit at your feet for all time, LORD. The beauty for ashes you have brought into my life is unimaginable.

Hands in the air – fill me with the presence of you. My prayer is this – to house the goodness of your nature in my soul. Make the darkness of depression flee in seven directions from my life. It is you I want to exude through my interactions, quiet thoughts and personal aspirations.

Death once encompassed my life – you brought me back for a reason. Elevate my soul with visions from the chambers of your heart. May my eyes see the priceless glory of your affection, and may I walk through this life with the weight of your riches pressing on my spirit.

Hope, Refreshment, New Life – Around Every Corner

Pastel blue robin’s eggs – a creamy blue to the naked eye. These petite life vessels are quite fragile. They are tiny homes to little mouths that will need to be fed by the nourishment from the earth. The wingspan of the mama will protect, shelter and guard the bodies of her sweet baby birds.

The spring air brings with it such hope and refreshment. New life is around every corner. Flowers, aromatic and vibrant, burst forth from the moist ground – reaching upward toward the rays of the warm sun.

Daylight brings with it sweet anticipation. May we open our arms to the sky and expect the rain to descend upon the thirsty ground. The Maker of Heaven and Earth will water his creation with provision and blessings – it is coming!

We are, like those delicate eggs, dependent – for sustenance. Gaining strength day by day, this grit comes not by our power or might – but is made perfectly complete in Him. It is by his spirit says the LORD!

LORD, may we be filled with the fragrant wind of new life! Embody our actions and mind.

He builds his lofty palace in the heavens and sets its foundation on the earth; he calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land—the Lord is his name. – Amos 9:6

Makeover our temples – and illuminate us. It is my desire to be a walking lamp-stand. I want to shine like a string light proudly fashioned in a pitch black backyard. A little strand of jovial intimacy but also sheer brilliance.

As the earth brings forth newness of life – may this season usher forth in our lives a fresh sense of urgency to shout your name from the rooftops! Miracles happen to those who put their trust in the Mover of the mountains.

Transplant the highlands, Sweet Jesus. This child opens her will and sacrifices her way – for yours! Like ivy on a colossal oak, may my soul cling to your precious promises! Mighty are you GOD of ALL.

Coffee Pot Kind-of-Love

ImageIt’s my morning routine. I shimmy out of bed, wipe my eyes and walk to the kitchen. The first thing on the agenda is to make that first cup of rich coffee. It starts my busy day off right. There is something about the bold flavor and warmth in the morning. It acts as a firework to my senses and awakens my eyes. The only downer is when that coffee pot runs dry! That means my morning cup of happiness is over and it’s time to set off to work!

God’s love is like free refills of coffee. It never runs dry. There is always more – and it never gets cold! My pot is always full in Christ. As a popular praise and worships song notes, “Your love never fails, never gives up. Never runs out on me.”

God grants us this beautiful kind of overflowing love. It is beyond human comprehension. I thank God for this coffee pot kind of love. I praise him for that wall of endless overflowing goodness. My soul is constantly awake in him. “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.” (Psalm 23:5)