Carrying The King of Kings

donkeyToday I cannot help but dwell on that dirty, young donkey that our Savior rode through the streets of Jerusalem. That clueless donkey was a conduit for and carried our Price of Peace through the crowded streets.

What a beautifully unique picture of grace and humility.

Vibrant green palm leaves under the donkey’s feet, he trotted along with a rider of the deepest mercy and grace.

Wonder if this little animal held his head up high? Do you think his hooves made a louder clanking sound carrying the Christ?

They brought the donkey and the colt to him and threw their garments over the colt, and he sat on it. Matthew 21: 7

Thinking on this donkey, I am bit envious of him. The Lord rode upon his back! Talk about a grand mission in life. I wonder if he was born for that reason – to carry the King of Kings! He was birthed for such an awesome mission. Can you imagine the cries in the streets and the joyous faces in the crowds! To think – this little colt was a part of showing off the Savior and Redeemer of the world. How magnificent.

You know, we are all like little donkeys in this world. Christ has given us his Holy Spirit and light. If we believe in him, this illumination is within our hearts. Therefore, just like the donkey, we carry the Lord of Lords.

No, we cannot feel his physical weight on our backs; but we can feel his goodness and kindness inside our hearts. After all, God has told us that we are the ‘light of the world.’And, he has given us the better deal – he carries our burdens and makes our loads light.

Let us trot ahead and hold our heads high – we carry the truest Light of Life within us. Hosanna in the Highest.

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